SMARTNET is an on-demand marketing company, providing communication services for technology companies in the San Francisco Bay Area. No, we're not an agency. SMARTNET (Inc.) is just me, until your needs exceed one person — hence, the words "on-demand marketing company." If I can't do it, I hire a vendor or contractor. No markup. No agency prices.
If you shoulder the responsibility of producing successful marketing results, you walk a fine line between sky-high expectations and tight bandwidth. Regardless of your resources, there are limits on budget, time, and skill sets. Don't let lower head-count restraints keep you from delivering successful marketing programs. Consider SMARTNET to be your safety net in a world where marketing can be like a three-ring circus. Call 650.561.9999
- K.T. Writer and Ringmaster
Here's what I do extremely well...
• Marketing strategy, messaging
• Copywriting/editing – online and print
• Social media
• Campaign/program management
• Web development (I manage the web developer) and user experience, write the content, and architect the site.)
• Vendor management