#Take these 9 Steps to Land Your Dream Job

By guest blogger, Michelle McIntyre

According to a recent Associated Press story, the U.S. economy has finally regained all the private-sector jobs that it lost during the last recession.

So now is as good a time as ever to go look for that new job or jump back into the work force if you were recently laid off or taking a break for some other reason.

At SVIABC (Silicon Valley International Association of Business Communicators), we’re focused on helping communications professionals do just that.

We also encourage people who are already employed to constantly network for their next opportunities.

Katja Gagen, SVIABC’s president and VP Marketing at General Catalyst Partners, has some sound advice on the topic. She said, “Build your network in good and challenging times. You can’t make friends in a crisis.”

We collected top job-landing tips from several communications professionals, including Gagen. Here they are:

1) Writing your own resume is hard and while it should be easy, it often feels daunting. If you are stuck, get help. Find a professional who can assist you with updates.

2) Find a mentor you trust who can be your advocate.

3) Get your LinkedIn profile in order. Yes, you need a LinkedIn profile with quality references.

4) Tell people you’re looking for a job. If they don’t know, how can they pass leads your way?

5) Print the job description before the interview and be prepared to give an example for each bullet. Describe your relevant activities and deliverables from the past.

6) Approach your prospective employer with a mindset of “what can I do for you,” not vice versa. Most hiring managers are very busy and appreciate a can-do attitude.

7) If you get turned down, find out why. You could improve in a particular area next time.

8) Network and network some more! Most how-people-get-jobs surveys reveal that the vast majority of opportunities are found this way. How many times have you applied for a job listed somewhere only to find out it has already been filled?

9) Get in touch with a job placement firm;, for example, SVIABC sponsors High Tech Connect or TEK Systems. They have a stream of opportunities and could connect you with those opportunities.

SVIABC also invites members to take advantage of our resume-review service and to attend our networking events where representatives of job placement firms can be found.

Register here for SVIABC’s “How to Break into Bay Area Communications,” which is happening on Thursday evening, April 17 at 6:00 pm at the Biltmore Hotel in Santa Clara, California.

Follow us on Twitter at @SVIABC.

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