The Two Best Things about the Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch

Personally, I thought the iPhone was the “one of the best things since …” well, you know the rest of the cliché.

I’m one of those people who feels it’s cumbersome to carry a lot of weight (and things) around, so (possibly a few) less devices fulfilled a dream. It afforded a sense of freedom. A little more fancy free. Free-wheelin’.

Who do you think?

Who do you think?

Like the iPod, (and as Steve Jobs said), it put “a thousand songs in your pocket.” And you could take a photo and make phone calls. Plus, you didn’t have to be tethered to your computer to check your emails. Voice activation? Cool! And apps? What can’t we do with these phones?

What more could I want? And though I liked my watch (device from olden days) as a piece of jewelry, I don’t even wear one anymore.

But that just might change because I also love the concept (shared yesterday by a friend of mine, Peter Basmajian), of the new Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch, whose demo video is shown here.

Peter Basmajian, North American Field Marketing Manager, Big Data; IBM

Peter Basmajian, North American Field Marketing Manager, Big Data; IBM

Why? I wonder, as so many others do, about the lack of meaningful conversation that occurs when people, including me, have their heads down while gazing, dazed, at their smartphones. Not to mention the manners that sometimes disappear if the user is with another person.

I’m also concerned about our posture. Just as so many people have developed rounded shoulders and carpal tunnel from relentlessly working on computers, I sometimes picture future generations of folks who can barely hold their heads up.

Yup. Smartphones are ubiquitous. And see how his head juts out?

Yup. Smartphones are ubiquitous. And see how his head juts out? What will this do for posture?

With the SmartWatch, we’ll be able to quickly glance at our arm, which of course, like glancing at watches, will be less obtrusive and interruptive. And it might even help our posture.

So I’m being somewhat tongue-in-cheek about the smartwatch’s two best things being better posture and a possible return to good manners. It’s awesome that it syncs automatically with its companion device, the Samsung Galaxy, which you do, btw, still have to carry around. And it’s convenient to take a quick glance at your wrist instead of digging for your phone. It also has voice activation. And about 70 apps (compared to Apple’s possibly accessive 300,000+).

What do you think? Have any other ideas that might address my concerns? What are your concerns about this technology? Have any features that you want to be included in the next gen? Please take a sec. Share your thoughts.

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