#Communicating Professionally, February Resolutions

Now that we’ve stopped saying, “Happy New Year!” and we’re either making good on or have given up on our personal resolutions, maybe we could think about resolutions for communications professionals. I’d love to hear your suggestions.

To kick start this post, I watched this LOL video of a conference call at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYu_bGbZiiQ

The people on the phone are depicted as if they’re in person. (They’re invisible to each other because of course, in a con call, they’re only on the phone together.)


  1. Arrive on time to meetings/con calls
  2. Remember to put myself on mute during con calls and to take myself off before speaking
  3. Stay on topic during meetings
  4. State my name before speaking. Webex and GoToMeeting generally show who’s speaking, but if someone is on a cell, they may have no idea whose voice they’re hearing



  1. Make sure my emails follow the thread of the subject line
  2. Keep emails short and sweet; it’s no time for tomes. Provide the key points at the beginning and then follow with, “For more detail…” (Bullets are almost always a good thing.
  3. Slow down a little! Check spelling; it’s so basic; yet lots of folks don’t bother any more



  1. Close my door when I’m on the phone; not everyone wants to hear my call
  2. If I’m in a cubicle, use a headset, not the speaker
  3. Pay attention. If someone has a headset on, I won’t barge into her office or cube and start talking.

We’d love to hear your suggestions!


Thanks for reading, K.T.


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